A. Popular sovereignty
Here we see embodied the principle of the popular sovereignty, an idea dear to the thinkers of the Enlightenment. The people are the true and only sovereign, not an absolute monarch nor an authoritarian government. It´s up to the people to decide what form of government they should have, and those who rule must do so with the consent of those ruled, with their will expressed in a social contract.
One of the ways that nationalism affected Europe were the numerous uprising and riots of the local population that demanded more rights to speak their language and have power over their own affairs. For example, Poland had a number of uprisings that sought to achieve independence of the countries ruling its territory (Russia and Prussia): for example the Greater Poland uprising of 1848.
A strong and organized empire should also be able to have a strong and very organized army. This means they would most likely populate their frontier with settlers and station armies there to defend the frontier. The army would be a professional one made from highly skilled and dedicated soldiers that would be able to repel any opposing threat.
I think it is Benedict Arnold