A dedicated server is a single computer in a network reserved for serving the needs of the network. For example, some networks require that one computer be set aside to manage communications between all the other computers. A dedicated server could also be a computer that manages printer resources.
A style is a predefined text format that includes multiple formatting options.
software must be used by well trained staff.
Firstly we explain the variable and the declaration rule for the variable and further separating the valid and invalid variables.
- Whenever a user is given a question, variables are data values that can vary. for example age, CSL, etc.
- It may alter and during the execution of the program.
- It's a storage space for memories.
- It has a name that corresponds to the location.
- Data is stored in the memory location.
The rule for variable declaration:
- The names of your variables should be based on the phrases used in the subject area, and they should reflect the variable's function.
- By removing spaces between the words, you can make variable names. Each word in the name should be capitalized, including prepositions and pronouns that are one letter long.
- An underscore should never be used to start a variable name.
- Single-character variable names should be avoided. For loop counters, only short variable names are permitted.
- After the state that equals the "true" value, name variables that describe binary states ("true" or "false").
The valid variable is:
CSL, Age,CLS,SEE,Stop5for,Give, $shopping, and United.
The invalid variable is:
Mark-sheet, Tel $, Simple Interest, and 545Newton.
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