Dumping of medical waste causes a lot of problems as
1. Health issues
2. Effects soil and water table
Further explanation
Medical waste
It is any sort of waste that contains irresistible material (or material that is conceivably irresistible). This definition incorporates waste created by medicinal services offices like doctor's workplaces, emergency clinics, dental practices, labs, therapeutic research offices, and veterinary centers.
Types of medical waste
• General Waste
• Infectious Waste
• Hazardous Waste
• Radioactive Waste
Management of medical waste
We can use different methods like
It is characterized as a land transfer site at which medical wastes are discarded in a way that does not secure the earth, are vulnerable to open copying, and are presented to the components, vectors, and foragers.
Burning of medical waste is known as incineration
Hazardous effects of dumping medical waste
1. Effects on soil and water table
Soil and groundwater tests were gathered to study the conceivable effect of strong waste impact on soil and ground water quality. The physical and substance parameters such as temperature, pH, hardness, electrical conductivity, all out disintegrated solids, all out suspended solids, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, phosphate and the metals like sodium, potassium, copper, manganese, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, palladium, antimony were examined utilizing different scientific procedures. It has been discovered that the vast majority of the parameters of water are not in as far as possible as per the IS 10500 Drinking Water Quality Standards. It is inferred that the sullying is because of the strong waste materials that are dumped in the territory.
2. Health issues
Respiratory problems, for example, Streptococcus pneumonia, tuberculosis and infections like the measles, which can all be transmitted through inappropriate transfer or inside and out illicit dumping of irresistible waste.
Answer details
Subject: Biology
Level: High school
Key words
• Medical waste
• Types of medical waste
• Management of medical waste
• Dumping
• Incineration
• Hazardous effects of dumping medical waste
• Effects on soil and water table
• Health issues
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