even temporary groups can pressure people to conform.
Cameron has been very stressed during harvest season while working on farm equipment in the evenings and harvesting the crops during the day. He comes down with the flu the day after his last field is harvested. The reason for his illness is likely that Cameron’s stress hormones suppressed the activity of Lymphocytes.
Immune system is the collection of billion number of cells that travel through our bloodstream. They defend our body against bacteria and viruses. White blood cells are the main immune cells in our body.
When a person gets stressed, the immune system's ability to fight gets reduced. The stress hormone “corticosteroid” suppresses the efficiency of the 'immune system' by reducing the number of "Lymphocytes". Lymphocytes are of two types:
a. "B cells" which produce antibodies and are released in the "fluid" surrounding the body cells.
b. "T cells" which gets locked to the 'infected' cell and destroy it.
Significance of the Paleolithic era was that it took up up the majority of our human history about 96% and although not much happened in that time, without the Paleolithic era, there would be no foundation for modern life.

-How is society originated?

-the society originated in the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger. Thus through physical coercion or compulsion men were brought together and made to live in society. The Patriarchal and Matriarchal theories make society the expansion of family system.