Defined as below
Plate tectonics are defined as the pieces of Earth's crust floating over the liquid asthenosphere or the movements of sheets/plates of hard rock over the rigid mantle. Varying in thickness moving in the directions to there orientation. They are either oceanic or continental plates
Rift valleys are generally linear or are highlands that separated by actions of geologic agents. It may be formed by a divergent or a convergent plate movement. 0n earth can occur on all height above mean sea levels. Extraterrestrial Rift valleys have also been found on planets in the solar system. Example is Eastern valley of africa.
Earthquake is a shaking of the earth from the interior due to the vibrations and waves produced due to the movement of geo-material beneath the earth's crust. These waves are measured on a Richter scale and range from 1 to 12 caused by sliding of the earth plates from the convergent, divergent and transform boundaries. Like the ring of fire an earthquake prone region.
Uranium-lead radiometric dating is most often performed on the mineral zircon.
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The Deccan plateau is a topographically variegated region located south of the Gangetic plains -the portion lying between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal- and includes a substantial area to the north of the Satpura Range, which has popularly been regarded as the divide between northern India and the Deccan. The plateau is bounded on the east and west by the Ghats, while its northern extremity is the Vindhya Range. The Deccan's average elevation is about 2,000 feet (600 m), sloping generally eastward; its principal rivers, the Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri, flow from the Western Ghats eastward to the Bay of Bengal. Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu is often regarded as the Southern gateway of Deccan plateau.