These engines were very useful to move machinery in mills, factories, pumping stations and transportationapplications. In the field of transport,steam engines were often used inlocomotives, ships and other land vehicles. Steam machines were of great importance in their application in the field of agriculture.
Los países comenzaron a recuperarse progresivamente a mediados de la década de 1930, pero sus efectos negativos en muchas zonas duraron hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.6 La elección de Franklin D. Roosevelt como presidente y el establecimiento del New Deal en 1932, marcó el inicio del final de la Gran Depresión en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en Alemania, la desaparición de la financiación exterior a principios de la década de 1930 y el aumento de las dificultades económicas, propiciaron la aparición del nacional-socialismo y la llegada de Adolf Hitler al poder que, posteriormente, daría inicio a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
D is the answer
Explanation: All of those statements are true about neanderthals.
Germany fought Russia/USSR and France in both world wars. Both Italy and Japan where aligned with Third Reich in WW2, but fought against Germany in WW1. Italy did align itself with the German Empire in the years leading up to WW1, so that is the best answer out of all of these. However none of them are truly correct.