The answer is difference threshold.
Also called just-noticeable difference or least perceptible difference, the difference threshold is the degree of a stimulus that must be changed in order to be recognised.
For it to be considered a difference threshold, the difference must be identified at least 50% of the time.
They believed it was a sacred place of course.
The subject is related to a company called Plain Training Inc. which helps people starting their own business; the multiple choices of answers are: <em>1.</em><em>podcast, </em><em>2.</em><em>blog, </em><em>3.</em><em>forum, </em><em>4.</em><em>social content site and </em><em>5.</em><em>social game</em>,
from which the most suitable answer is the <em>4th</em> one, so Plain Training would be organizing <em>"social content site"</em> <em>workshops</em>, in order to boost their client's enthusiasm for advanced advertising and advance promotion techniques.
fruits and vegetables-rythu bazaar, come from the food grains,oils....
Answer: Using operant conditioning terminology, straightening the wire hanger and poking it behind the dryer would be the <u><em>operant</em></u><em> </em>and the retrieved sock would be the <u><em>reinforcing stimulus.</em></u>
Operant stimulus is when there is a result known as "three-term contingency." The behavior or action can result in an award or even a punishment depending on the occasion.
Reinforcing stimulus is when a certain behavior is performed and the response is strengthened or decreased depending on the action taken. In this case, the soc was retrieved because Dolores used the wire hanger. This could of been a decreased behavior is she had not of straightened the wire hanger and the sock was not retrieved.
The four types of reinforcing stimulus and operant stimulus are; extinction, negative, positive, and punishment.