A prefix is usually added directly to the base word but there several case where a hyphen is needed.
The sentence requires that a noun be placed after the modifier, appropriate. A good option that could fill this blank is;
Therefore, the sentence can be filled thus;
- His advisor suggests that he should have considered a more appropriate <u>channel</u> for his request.
In the communication model, the channel is the medium through which the message is passed.
Emails, phone calls, text messages, letter writing, etc., are all channels through which a message can be passed. In the sentence provided, the channel was text message.
This channel is not quite appropriate for official purposes. Letter writing or email would have been better channels to be used by Claudius.
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The theme of hunger games is friendship, family, freedom versus oppression, and materialism.I know this because (insert backup evidence).And to also add(backup evidence).That is why friendship, family, freedom versus oppression, and materialism is the theme.
Answer:Editor’s note
This version of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was adapted from The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, by Frederick Douglass. The Guttenberg file does not tell us which witness was used in making their digital edition. The edition below is only a slightly modified version of the Guttenberg text, and therefore should not be taken too seriously as an edition. I use the text mostly to show a few affordances of using Ed for long form narrative. This page, for example, showcases a different sidebar than the rest of our sample site, with a table of content of the novel generated out of metadata in the source file. In addition, reading morsels of the novel on your different devices can give you a sense of the experience of reading prose using Ed, and shows you an example of the optional sidebar with a table of contents. A few other features of this page are described in more detail in the Documentation.
Ain’t is in fact a word. Tell her to look it up in the marium Webster dictionary. It’s a contraction for; am not, are not, or is not.