Democracy is a social organization in which political control is exercised by the people. It is a system of government that results from the free choice of rulers, which is expressed by the union and will of the majority of the governed, confirmed by votes.
The concept of democracy emerged in Ancient Greece in 510 BCE, when Cliestenes, a progressive aristocrat, led a rebellion against the last tyrant, overthrowing him and initiating reforms that implanted democracy in Athens.
This concept contributed much to the construction of the modern world we know.
Plant domestication: Cereals such as emmer wheat, einkorn wheat and barley were among the first crops domesticated by Neolithic farming communities in the Fertile Crescent. These early farmers also domesticated lentils, chickpeas, peas and flax.
La Revolución Industrial fue la transición a nuevos procesos de fabricación en Europa y los Estados Unidos, en el período de aproximadamente 1760 a algún momento entre 1820 y 1840.
Answer: what does the excerpt say? You forgot to post a pic