I think it's false but not that sure about it
d) continues throughout life.
Political socialization occurs all life long as a process when people acquire ideas and values. This initially happens in the family, then educational endeavours could be later, but also social groups have influence. Together with mass media pressing on, and other forms of propaganda then political socialization is increased.
There are other reasons why it continues lifelong, the laws, religion, sex and gender form or are embraced in political ideals.
The geography, race are also often factors that will affect the process.
The change in values is more often than tought if we consider how non static some variables are.
Waren and Marshall hypothesis states that bismuth kills bacteria, thereby<span>healing gastritis and preventing ulcer relapse.</span>The Colloidal Bismuth Subcitrate (CBS) experiment provides evidence supporting Warren and Marshall's hypothesis because it showed that ulcer patients treated withbismuth had a substantially lower relapse rate than those treated with Tagamet.
The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. Hammurabi's Code was carved onto a massive, finger-shaped black stone stele pillar that was looted by invaders and finally rediscovered in 1901.
The industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain during the mid-18th Century. Britain was the world's leading commercial nation controlling a global trading empire with colonies in the North America and the Caribbean. As a results of the Britain colonies in the North america, industrial revolution developed faster in the North American State compared to the South United States
The results of industrial revolution in the united States includes a shift from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes. Samuel Slater is known as the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution".