Catharsis can be described as the process of releasing or involves the release or emotional discharge that eventually help in achieving relief or liberation from anxiety.
In this case, the act of punching the pillow , which is exhibited by Teresa is the process of releasing her anger, and always help her to achieve relief or liberation from that anxiety or aggression toward her younger brother.
There are 2 tribes that are known to the Sahara desert and their names are Tuareg tribe and Bedouin tribe. The Tuareg tribe are said to be tall, fair skinned and Berber-speaking nomadic people
management science approach
Based on the information provided within the question it seems that The Blue Rooster should adopt the management science approach perspective. This is a perspective in which the individual analyzes the options, problems, and costs, in order to make a procedure for solving a specific problem and being able to repeatedly produce the same results. Which is exactly what The Blue Rooster needs in order to continuously produce perfect bread.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
heat is transferred through solids from one particle to another particle or from the pan to the egg
Neuroscience of music about Indonesian music: there are two main scales in Java are slendro and pelog. Slendro is a five-tone scale that very roughly approaches equal-size intervals. The intervals vary within a given scale and across orchestras, but the underlying tuning concept can be considered as a rough five-tone equal temperament (5ET).The musical goal of this selection to express social protest against corruption is to incorporate sléndro/pélog scales to the tones of the melody used as chords changing