Dune vegetation would miss a significant source of nutrients if sea turtles go extinct and would not be as stable and not large enough to support the dunes, resulting in increased erosion.
While their range is wide, due to extensive egg collecting and bycatch fisheries, the numbers of leatherback turtles have decreased dramatically over the past century.
I believe that the youth movement originated with the baby boomers, the huge generation born after the world war II. By 1970, 58.2 % of the population in America was under the age of 35 years. The economic boom of the 1950s meant more families could afford to send their children to College. College life gave the young people a sense of freedom and independence. It was on college campuses across the nation that youth protest movements began and reached their peak.
The generalization that all organisms are composed of cells was established through multiple observations in various kinds of animals and plants. A controlled experiment of finding cells in all the kinds of living organisms is not possible or is infeasible as it will require prior knowledge of all the kinds of organisms inhabiting Earth and the effort to catch and bring them in the controlled environment of the lab for testing.
The animals present body structure is due to evolution. It is seen in each part including the structure of the heart. The vertebrate heart becomes complex from a simpler form.
Invertebrates, the heart of fishes is two-chambered having one auricle and one ventricle. The deoxygenated blood gets purified in the gills. They are aquatic and no lungs for breathing. The hearts pump a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to the body.
The amphibians and reptiles have 3 chambered heart as they lead terrestrial mode of life. The gills modified into the lungs. The left auricle receives pure blood and the right auricle receives deoxygenated blood. The blood purified in the lungs and in the ventricle, both types of blood get a mix. The ventricle pumps the mixed-blood throughout the body.
In the case of birds and mammal, the heart is 4 chambered and the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are separated. These two are higher vertebrates. No mix of pure and impure blood, the body receives only the oxygenated blood.
This shows to construct the phylogenetic tree of vertebrates - the fishes should be in the bottom, and above it amphibians, reptiles, then, mammals and birds on the top branch of the tree. As the chambers and structure of the hearts modified one after another.
Answer: Enzymes are organic bio-molecules that catalyze the chemical reactions in biological system. Similar to catalyst, an enzyme accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction and it is neither consumed nor changed in the reaction. Therefore, the enzymes are also called bio-catalysts.