1. who
2. who
3. That
4. who
5. That
6. who
7. that
8. who
9. who
10. that
11. which
12. who
13. that
1. The man wearing sunglasses THAT works in a restaurant.
2. My mother made a delicious ice cream, WHICH I ate all by myself.
3. Paul is reading a book THAT is very interesting.
4. Pizza is a popular food THAT was first made in Italy.
5. Albert Einstein was a scientist WHO did many important things.
6. This is the book WHICH wasn't available in the library.
7. This is the CD THAT I've played hundreds of times.
8. I've never net the man WHO helped me this morning.
9. I hate the music THAT is too loud.
10. Can you pass me the pen? THAT is next to the dictionary.
"who" when referring to people.
"That" when referring to objects, non humans.
Examples from social media users.
Data from Pew Research
Quotations from a research study
I would go with the third option.
The major philosophy that was expressed in the declaration independence was that all people are neutrally equally and basically has the equal fundamental rights. The people has the power to judge how the rights can protect them.