The moon has different phases because it’s around different times. For example, let’s say you go outside and look at the moon at 11pm, then you go and look at it again at 12 pm, it’s going to have a different phase because it’s not at the say time.
I hope this helps! This is what I was getting from the question
, the Northern Hemisphere has summer. At the same time, the south end of Earth's axis is tilted away from the sun so other parts of the world is cold. as the earth revolves on its axis, we will soon experience winter as well. places like Antartica will always be cold , just because how its on the earth. its far far far aways from the sun. thats why it stays cold there.
All the parts of a cell has separate functions with out the parts of a cell the body would not function ...
I think this is ether b. Trait or C. Allele, pretty sure it’s allele though. Good luck!
There are several different ways to name it, but I always go by absorption, digestion, and metabolism/breakdown.
Absorption is the uptake of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients from your diet and your ingestion of water or other liquids. Absorption primarily takes place in the small intestine and anything that isn't necessary and vital for human life is then excreted through the urinary tract as urine and the remainder of the digestive tract as waste/feces.
Digestion is the process that occurs in the digestive tract which breaks down all food intake by mechanical and enzymical (stomach/gastric acid) processes in order to provide the body with all of the nutrients and minerals it needs to survive.
Metabolism is the breakdown of acids, fats, and enzymes within the organs in order to maintain life and promote production of energy. A healthy diet, cardiovascular exercise for 4-5 days a week, and maintaining good health in general is best to maintain a high metabolism and produce the most energy.