The correct answer is A. Organizing Roman history into 3 main eras
Periodization in history refers to the process of studying and categorizing events of the past in to block of time. This process is aimed at facilitating the analysis of historical events and understanding the causes of specific historical processes. Additionally, periodization is useful as blocks of time are organized according to relatively common characteristics. Considering periodization is applied when categorizing or organizing events of the past, it can be applied to Roman history which result could be 3 main eras with common historical features. Thus, periodization is useful in the case of organizing Roman History.
The American colonies of 1760, did many Americans consider themselves British? Did they consider themselves Englishmen, even if born in the colonies? Also, am I right in the impression that a resident of Massachusetts would be the least likely to identify as British? That they were the most independent minded, even in 1760?
The financial crisis of 2008 was initially caused by problems in the "Housing Market," since lots of very influential banks had made very risky (sub-prime) loans to investors.
The city that was conquered by the Medes and was the center of civilization in Mesopotamia is Babylon
The two greatest successes of Reconstruction was the establishment of a system of education for recently emancipated African Americans through the Freedmen's Bureau. These coleges and universities are colectively known as HBCUs. Land grant colleges were also established through the Morrill Land Grant Act. Anoher important success was the REconstruction Amendmens. The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery except as punishment for a crime. The 14th Amendment, which granted African Americans citizenshio rights and the 15th Amendment gave African American men the right to vote.
The two greatest failures were the inability to adequately address the rise of Southern nationalism and the rise of extralegal groups such as the Klu Klux Klan. The second greatest failure was the inability to achieve the redistribution of land in the region to ensure more equitable relatonships between groups in the South. This lack of redistribution caused the rise of tenant farming and sharecropping, which served to replicate systems of oppression that existed during slavery.