I got it! It's supposed to be, "Hello, I am Melt. I am 17 years old, and my favorite place is Soke and Bol." Or "こんにちは、私は溶けます。私は17歳です。私の好きな場所はSoke and Bolです。" Or "Kon'nichiwa, watashi wa tokemasu. Watashi wa 17-saidesu. Watashi no sukinabasho wa Soke ando Boldesu." Better?
pen picture is a written description, often biographical.
For example, finger- spelling is used most frequently for nouns (e.g., “Toyota,” “pizza,” “studio”), but also may be used to express the meaning of certain adjectives (e.g., “busy,” “dark,” “tight”), prepositions (e.g., “to,” “on,” “about”), and a few verbs (e.g., “try,” “do,” “miss”).
कहानी. अकल बड़ी या भैंस? एक जंगल था। उसमें एक बहुत बड़ा तालाब था। जंगल के सभी जानवर इसी तालाब में पानी पिने आते थे। तालाब के किनारे एक पुराना पेड़ था। उस पर अकलू नाम का बन्दर ...