April 12 1945 date of death
An argument is a debate or debacle it has 2 sides and an explanation is like a lecture your explaining something
The council-manager form is a system of local government, which combines a strong political leadership of elected officials who make up the council, with a nominated local government manager. The city council serves as the primary legislative body of the city, and appoints the chief executive officer, who is called a city manager, whose duty is to monitor daily municipial affairs, implement a budget, implement city politics and legislative initiatives. In the council-manager government, the council members are the leaders and policy makers, elected as community representatives, The manager is elected by the council, and is council is responsible to the council. If the manager does not respond to the wishes of the council, then the council has the authority to terminate the manager at any time. In this sense, the tasks performed by the manager are tested every day. The conclusion is that all power is centralized in the elected council.
The correct answer is B.
The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches are the three branches of U.S. government.