During the crusade, Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, had almost besieged Constantinople because of the failure of the Byzantines to provide him with safe passage across the Dardanelles. The Byzantines for their part suspected him of conspiring with the breakaway Byzantine provinces of Serbia and Bulgaria.
Blues was a major influence on early jazz style and composition. The blues style involved playing blue notes (minor keys/pentatonic blues scale) and also joining notes through melismatic (sliding) runs, both of which were hallmarks of many early jazz melodies and solos.
A poet of the people, Guthrie wrote some of America's most important songs, including "This Land Is Your Land." He penned ballads that captured the heart of hard economic times and war. While Guthrie left a lasting mark on music, culture and politics, he struggled with family poverty, tragedies and personal demons
Immigration does not fall under the domestic policy. A domestic policy differs from foreign policy, which refers to the ways a government advances its interests in world politics.