the detonation of a bomb on Russian soil.
In 1949, the Americans were astonished to see that the U.S.S.R. had detonated their own atomic bomb (as a test) on their grounds. It had been only 4 years since the detonation of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they considered it could not be sufficient time to develop the atomic bomb by themselves. Suspicion of espionage was their main option. Time proved them right. Nearly a dozen Soviet spies were convicted of passing information to the Soviets during this period about the atomic bomb in what was called the "Manhattan Project", the most famous spy being Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs. After this experience, the United States began to invest a large quantity of money in protecting their secret projects and fighting espionage.
Answer:Caliban hates the way he is treated by Prospero because, as he says himself, "This island's mine, by Sycorax my mother, / Which thou takest from me." In this sense, Prospero is like a European colonizer, who lands in a foreign country and enslaves the indigenous people
Answer: Throughout the Americas, Indigenous contact with Europeans was soon followed with drastic declines in Indigenous populations. With no natural immunity to diseases introduced by the Europeans, Indigenous Peoples were decimated by waves of epidemics of smallpox, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, influenza and measles.
Industrial revolution contributed i imperialism in a number ways.