Kohlberg did some studies on morality and proposed a theory on moral development.
Kohlberg defined three different levels of morality (and each level consists in 2 stages).
These levels are
- Pre conventional
- Conventional
- Post conventional
In the preconventional level, the person's morality is externally controlled and therefore acts based on what the punishment will be (1st stage) or based on how good will it be for him/her to act in some way (2nd stage)
The conventional level stages also have to do with external controls but now the person thinks in function of ensuring positive relationships and societal order. The third stage here depends on the approval of others. The fourth stage has to do with accepting rules because they preserve the society order and functioning.
The postconventional level stages are defined in more abstract principles or values. The 5th stage sees the world as a place with different values that must be respected. Finally the 6th stage is based in universal ethical abstract principles.
In this example, the student believes that plagiarism is acceptable because of what her friends think. We can see that her belief is influenced by external controls and she likely wants the approval of her peers and that's why she thinks that. Thus, we can say that she is in the conventional level of Kohlberg's theory.
Human rights in Myanmar under its military regime have long been regarded as among the worst in the world.[1][2] International human rights organisations including Human Rights Watch,[3] Amnesty International,[4] and the American Association for the Advancement of Science[5] have repeatedly documented and condemned widespread human rights violations in Burma. The Freedom in the World 2011 report by Freedom House notes that "The military junta has... suppressed nearly all basic rights; and committed human rights abuses with impunity." In 2011 the "country's more than 2,100 political prisoners included about 429 members of the NLD, the victors in the 1990 elections."[6] As of July 2013, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, there were about 100 political prisoners in Burmese prisons.[7][8][9][10]