Researching is composed of various explorations in utilizing the scientific method in the process. It also, answers any scientific inquiry with the use of scientific method. Research enables and promotes the scientific community at a larger scale. Contributing and collaborating knowledge all-over the people and persons in science. Researches play a big role in everyone’s academic identity because
<span>1. It actively makes the individual scientific in approach to things of curiosity and makes him/her use the knowledge to study and produce results which</span> <span>
2. The scientific society will benefit by this particular study and can work together to better explore and discover. </span><span> </span>
Mitosis is a type of cell division that takes place in the somatic cells where two daughter cells are formed with the same number of chromosomes as the parent (diploid 2n). Meiosis is a type of cell division that takes place in the sex cells where four daughter cells are formed with half the number of chromosomes as the parent (haploid, n). In this case, if the gametes were formed by mitosis then it means they would have a diploid (2n) number of chromosomes.
Uterus<span>Once girls become sexually mature, the outer labia and the mons pubis are covered by pubic hair. A female's internal reproductive organs are the vagina, uterus,fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The vagina is a muscular, hollow tube that extends from the vaginal opening to the <span>uterus</span></span>
1. The carbon-dioxide increases in atmosphere by fossil-fuels, decaying-dead, automobiles etc. and when animals or plant die they get buried and carbon content increases under the ground.
2. Greenhouse gas are those gases which trap heat in the atmosphere and maintain the temperature of the earth.
3. Diamond and graphite are solid forms of carbon.
4. Dry ice is the carbon as liquid.
5. Autotrophs make simple sugar glucose via photosynthesis and this sugar is used by heterotrophs as a substrate for respiration in the presence of oxygen.
When the fuels from automobiles, fossil-fuel, dead decaying organism release carbon in the atmosphere, the increase in carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming.
Greenhouse gases absorb the infrared radiations from the earth's surface and reradiate it back to the atmosphere. In short greenhouse gases allow sun's rays to pass through and maintain the earth's temperature otherwise the earth will become too cold to sustain lives.
number of paramecium in 1 gallon of water = 50
number of paramecium in 1000 gallons of water =
1000× 50 = 50000