Blank #1 is myosin
Blank #2 is actin filaments
The lungs belong to the respiratory.
Bacteria are single celled prokaryotic organisms. Prokaryotic means that they do not contain membrane-bound organelles. In simpler terms, they don't have cell parts within their cytoplasm. Bacteria are classified by their shape- round or cocci, rod or bacilli, and spiral or spirilla. Bacteria may also have long whip-like tails called flagella or be covered with small hair-like projections called cilia. Both structures are used for movement. Bacteria may have a cluster of free floating DNA in its cytoplasm called a nucleoid or they may have additional small rings of DNA called plasmids. Lastly, a bacterium have a cell wall made of a special compound called peptidoglycan which can provide an extra layer of protection from many environmental conditions.
Recombinant DNA technology is the process in which a target gene of interest is replicated by inserting it into a vector and creating a recombinant DNA. This recombinant DNA is then returned into an expression system where it is replicated several times to give rise to multiple copies of our desired gene or that gene product.
One of the very important role for the execution of this technology is performed by Restriction endonuclease enzymes. These are the enzymes that have ability to cut the DNA fragment at specific sequence into fragments of different lengths called restriction fragments.
- They play a very important role in recombinant DNA technology:
- They can map the location of specific restriction sites where the target sequence is identified and cleaved.
- They cut down the DNA at specific sites called restriction sites. The host DNA in which foreign gene or target gene is inserted is also cut with the same restriction enzymes. So in the recombinant DNA technology, restriction enzymes act like a molecular scissor which identify and cut certain DNA sequences as per or requirement.
- The target sequence can be cut from multiple places by restriction enzymes since our target sequence can be present multiple times in the DNA of organism.
- When restriction enzymes cut the DNA, they leave sticky or blunt ends at that site in such a way that these ends are able to bind with the complementary bases of vector DNA when introduced.
- Then another enzyme DNA ligase seals the ends of target DNA and vector DNA making a whole recombinant DNA that is ready to be cloned and progress further steps of recombinant DNA technology.
<em>You can see attached image for better understanding.</em>
Hope it help!
A and B
Offspring differ gentically from one another AND differ genetically from both parents
This mode of reproduction is known as Sexual Reproduction and it helps in the Variation Of Genes.