After looking at the above diagram given, Enzymes are the molecules that were used to cut, copy, and to connect the DNA segments. The correct answer is 2. Make sure to check the number choices, they are out of order on this particular question.
The needs with the amount of budget from highest to lowest include
- Food
- Education
- Household operation
- Savings
- Medical & dental
- Utilities
- Recreation.
The most important aspect of life in organisms is food as we need it to stay
alive and healthy which is why it has the highest budget.
Education comes second due to it ensuring people are learned ,developed
and has a relatively high cost.
Read more about Budget on
The answer is (A. A warm current flows along the coast.) Currents carry cold and warm water from place to place. It's an amazing phenomenon that scientists are still trying to fully figure out. Some think it's caused by wind, others think it's caused by the shifting of the tectonic plates, but one thing's for sure, currents are VITAL for this planets life.
The symbiosis between a Pistol shrimps and gobies is called Mutual symbiosis. <u>In this process both animals benefit. </u>The shrimp creates and maintains a burrow for both the animals to live in, where as the fish offers protection from predators. When outside of their burrow the fish keeps a keen eye to spot any predator around and sends a warning to the goby through flicking of its tail in cases of a predator approaching.