1. Declaration: the return type, the name of the function, and parameters (if any)
2. Definition: the body of the function (code to be executed)
I suggest you to read OpenSSL changelogs to make it more clear. As there's not enough space to describe how it works. But heartbleed resistan version was 1.0.2, as I know.
A) True
Java provides collections architecture or framework used to store and manipulate a group of objects or collections.
The collection framework has interfaces which include; Set, Queue, Deque, List, as well as classes which include; Hashset, ArrayList, LinkedList, LinkedHashset, PriorityQueue, Vector and TreeSet.
There are also many methods declared in the collection interface which include; add(), addAll(), remove(), removeAll(),retainAll(), clear(), size(), iterator(), toArray() etc
It places the document in a buffer
Since the printer can only print a document at a time, the other document is going to be placed in a buffer.
The print buffer can be described as a location in memory that has the function of holding data that is going to be sent to a computers printer. A print job such as in this scenario may remain in the buffer because another document is to be printed first.
Sometimes a document could be put in the buffer because the computer is waiting for the printer to respond. This is just another reason why documents are placed in a buffer.