It is nice to have somewhat of an outline regarding what you would like to do after high school, however, I believe it may be more difficult to have a whole plan.
There is no way anyone can predict what can happen so not everything will go to plan. As humans we learn to alter our choices to the situation we are in so a certain event in your life could take place causing you to take a completely different route than the one you had intended or planned.
import random
a = random.randint (1,10)
b = random.randint (1,10)
print ("What is: " + str(a) + " X " + str(b) + "?")
ans = int(input("Your answer: "))
if (a * b == ans):
print ("Correct!")
print ("Incorrect!")
modify the NTFS permissions on the folder
In order to solve this problem what you need to do is to modify the NTFS permissions on the folder. The NT File System permissions are security measures blocking access to manipulation of files within a directory and affects local users as well as network users. By adjusting the permissions of this within the folder that the members are trying to access then it will give them the ability to modify the files.
replace text as you type is an option in the AutoCorrect tool that enables the
user to add or delete words that do not follow abbreviation rules. Moreover, this
is a convenient way to use especially if you are dealing with long string of
words that only needs abbreviation.
A video game would be a series of steps to produce or outcome / end in the form of controller a character or the how the game can be played and being able to play it at some level, but a good game would have multiple questions and a hard difficulty maybe even a customizable section for your character or object. In other words a Video game would be a series of steps to produce a outcome from controlling a character and a Good video game would be the same but added a level of difficulty and harder mechanics into the game.
Hope this helped :)