They didnt want another king because the one ruling them before had too much power that he took advantage of, so they made the "ruler" president instead! Hope this helps!
Chinese immigrants were cast as outcasts in Californian society, because of cultural differences - customs, clothing, beliefs, food, language etc -. The response to those differences caused Chinese immigrants to form their own community called Chinatowns.
Nativists thought Chinatowns were dangerous but necessary to help Chinese immigrants to assimilate, they also thought Chinatown was useful because it was used to separate immigrants from other residents.
The main cause of death in the civil war was disease.
Clothes were not clean
Food was not sanitary
It was not a fun place
United States control of Puerto Rico’s government with Puerto Ricans
becoming U.S. citizens after 1917; the Philippines providing a naval
base to guard U.S. trade in Asia, which in turn provided some
improvement in Filipino schools, roads, and healthcare.
#1 Sharecropping is a legal arrangement with regard to agricultural land in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on that land.
#2 High interest rates, unpredictable harvests, and dishonest landowners and merchants often kept sharecropping families severely in debt, requiring the debt to be carried over until the next year or the next. Laws favoring landowners made it difficult or even illegal for sharecroppers to sell their crops
#3 The former slave owners invented sharecropping as the next best thing to slavery (from their point of view) and imposed it as soon as the Federal government ceased trying to protect the former slaves. Sharecropping was brought to us by the same folks who brought us slavery as the nearest thing to a continuation of slavery they could get away with.