На протяжении истории человечества в качестве поверхностей для письма, рисования или рисования использовалось множество различных материалов. К ним относятся камень, металлы, обожженная или необожженная глина, кость, восковые таблички, текстиль, папирус, пальмовые листья, кора, дерево, бамбуковые полоски, кожа, пергамент и бумага.
sandra and Michael? sorry thats the best I can do
Former Austro-Hungarian territories were given independence, while former Ottoman territories were divided among European powers.
After getting defeated from the first World War, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire forced to reduce the size of their region. The Ottoman Empire broke apart, with the Turks limited to Turkey. The Ottoman Empire lost many of its territories.
The former empire of Austria-Hungary dissolved, and new nations created from its land, including Hungary, Austria, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia.
I think rationing had both positive and negative impact on the morale in the country.
According to me rationing had both positive and negative impact because the people who had already less resources were forced to live without or even very less resources. They were already living were in the state of misery due to the lack of money and other things.
The process of rationing put pressure on them to have lesser resources. While the people who had the more financial power and more available resources learnt to live with the limited resources.