Early Man: Early man refers to the early hominids, who are the precursors of the present form of human race. Modern Man: Modern man is the subspecies of Homo sapiens, which include all living humans. Early Man: The early man originated six million years ago. ... Early Man: The early man originated from apelike ancestors.
Option: (B) were groups that physically punished themselves to win the forgiveness of God.
The Flagellants were a group of people who were believers of god emerged during the black death in Europe who whip themselves believing by punishing themselves they would summon God to give mercy. Groups of flagellants traveled from town to town and in public unveiled their backs and beat themselves, all the while encouraging the people to feel remorse.
The pilgrims at the Plymouth colony, located today in the state of Massachusetts, struggled to survive because of their lack of capability to produce food for themselves. The Native Americans taught the pilgrims how to survive off of the land by growing crops and hunting wild game.
It stands for No Irish Need Apply. AKA: Option C.
Most sources do not point out the exact number of the most famous Mexican fighting unit in the military that was sent. There were about 78,700 troops.
Good luck :)