The system of feudalism needed a lot of workers, who were tied to the land, and had to deliver a part of their harvest to their lords. The farmers generally had a poor life and struggled to make enough both for themselves and for the lords, but the lords benefited from this, as they had many farmers paying them a part of their harvest
Before the plague, the land was scarce, but people plenty, which meant that the farmers could not set conditions on their work. After the plague the number of farmers decreased, and there was a lot of work needed, so the farmers could search for a different place to work, if the feudal lords were demanding too much,.
I won't to say Henry Clay
Answer:Lucy has plagiarize or has committed plagiarism
Even though Lucy has changed few words but still this is someone else's idea .
When one takes something from the internet or from any other source which is written by someone else they should read it , try to understand the meaning and write it in their own words .
Even after one has written the information in their own words they still need to acknowledge that the idea was taken from someone else's work .
They will do this by citing the author within their writing and references will be written at the end of their writing .
Answer:Adams cautioned against those who “think it as easy for a nation to change its government, as for a man to change his coat.”[9] Just as he did not think Europe's institutions could be imposed on America, Adams also believed that America's political beliefs could not be imposed on other nations