The false statement is C, as the quality of a good doesn't determine wages.
Wages are determined by the marginal revenue productivity that a job generates. Thus, the higher the income generated by a job position, the higher the worker's wages.
In other words, the salary is valued according to the production of each job.
Answer: El decreto unió las raíces judeo-cristianas del continente europeo con la cultura greco-romana. Hasta el Concilio de Nicea, en el año 325, las iglesias cristianas eran incendiadas, quienes profesan la religión cristiana eran perseguidos y su patrimonio era confiscado. Particularmente bajo el emperador Diocleciano se intensificó la persecución cristiana. Diocleciano quería revivir los viejos cultos paganos y que éstos se convirtieran en la religión del imperio. Pero su política anticristiana fracasó y fue eliminada por su sucesor, el emperador Constantino. El aparato militar y el administrativo funcionaban bien en el Imperio Romano. Una zona de libre comercio había impulsado el bienestar económico. Los habitantes de Roma gozaban de derechos civiles, lo que promovía una creciente cohesión entre la población, sin embargo, no había libertad religiosa.
The municipality should budget the revenues in an effective manner by investing in the up-gradation of infrastructural facilities.
What is a municipality?</h3>
The municipality is a subpart of a state which is incorporated through a Municipal Corporation. It works for the local people in a defined district or area.
The revenues received by the municipality come through the taxes paid by the residential citizens of a particular state. It is the duty of the municipality to place the people's funds effectively in the advancement and betterment of public facilities like the building of dams, and bridges, development of car parking areas, providing public transport, etc., and various projects in the best interest of the public.
Learn more about municipality revenues here:
In the question A: The Pullman Strike was a strike of factory workers in Chicago, Illinois after many workers were laid off and wayes were lowered.
In question this event was of extreme importance as many of the workers were african Americans and it also laucnh different unions
B: Both of the Union groups created a lot of damages causing up to 80 million indamages.
Finally question C: Homestead Strike was important as it was one of the bigger steel factory but however the strike only lasted a few days that did not have many repercussions.