For the question, the answer would be absolute horrible. They were only givein small, and i mean very very small rations of very stale bread and water, meaning they were starved and very dehydrated, they were whipped and beatin by SS and Gastopo soldiers and the dead would lay around, in some camps they would take the prisoners on what are called death marches to either where they would "work" or be killed by either fireing squad or gas chamber, if they didint die on the march, they were jam packed in there liveing quarters. When these camps were liberated at the end of the war by either American or Russian forces, they were described as basicly liveing hell, its smelled extremely bad from dead rotting bodys, thoes who were alive were so skinny they could see there bones, plus they were given basicly rags for clothing, and both men and women were shaved and were all given a number that was tattooed onto there forarm
Totalitarianism is a political ideology that seeks total control of all aspects of life by a powerful state.
The origins of totalitarianism can be traced back to 1920s Italy, when Benito Mussolini rose to power and adopted an ideology named "Fascism". Fascism sought total state control in order to advance a particular view for Italy.
Stalin's Soviet Union was a totalitarian communist state because he had control over every aspect of life. The economy was planned, the media was censored, and people could not criticize the state.
Hitler's Germany was a totalitarian state because nazism also sought total state control in order to further Hitler's goals for Germany: territorial expansion, and the extermination of minorities (jews, roma, slavs, homosexuals, the disabled, etc).
Japan was also a totalitarian state until its defeat in the second world war. The Emperor was all powerful, and had total control over national life, and Japan's policy during the era was to colonize most of East Asia in order to expand Japanese influence.
humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition.
[hope this helped!]
The main source of conflict at the Constitutional Convention was in regards to federal v. state power.
Federalists v. Anti-Federalists fought for weeks through published essays to push forward their view on whether their should be a strong Federal government or whether there should be a weak federal government to allow for strong and sovereign states.