3 terms
when you combine like terms you are left with 10x + y + 8 which is 3 terms.
Hello there, this problem is just basic addition, here is what it would look like

Solve it and we get 78.21
Split up the integration interval into 4 subintervals:
The left and right endpoints of the
-th subinterval, respectively, are

, and the respective midpoints are

We approximate the (signed) area under the curve over each subinterval by

so that

We approximate the area for each subinterval by

so that

We first interpolate the integrand over each subinterval by a quadratic polynomial
, where

so that

It so happens that the integral of
reduces nicely to the form you're probably more familiar with,

Then the integral is approximately

Compare these to the actual value of the integral, 3. I've included plots of the approximations below.

Step-by-step explanation:
Given the inequality

First, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions:

Now the inequality looks like

Multiply it by 6:

option 2 is correct
Step-by-step explanation: