a firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules
By Pelago, INC. Founders of Pelago are: Jeff Holden<span> and </span><span>Darren Vengroff.</span>
In Python:
N = int(input("Positive integer: "))
if N > 0:
flag = False
for i in range(1,N+1):
if i * i == N:
flag = True
print("Positive integer only")
N = int(input("Positive integer: "))
If the number is positive
if N > 0:
This initializes a boolean variable to false
flag = False
This iterates from 1 to the input integer
for i in range(1,N+1):
This checks if th number is a square of some integer
if i * i == N:
If yes, flag is set to true
flag = True
The loop is exited
This prints either true or false, depending on the result of the loop
If otherwise, that the number is not positive
<em> print("Positive integer only")</em>
The sum of all positive even values in arr
We have an array named arr holding int values
Inside the method mystery:
Two variables s1 and s2 are initialized as 0
A for loop is created iterating through the arr array. Inside the loop:
num is set to the ith position of the arr (num will hold the each value in arr)
Then, we have an if statement that checks if num is greater than 0 (if it is positive number) and if num mod 2 is equal to 0 (if it is an even number). If these conditions are satisfied, num will be added to the s1 (cumulative sum). If num is less than 0 (if it is a negative number), num will be added to the s2 (cumulative sum).
When the loop is done, the value of s1 and s2 is printed.
As you can see, s1 holds the sum of positive even values in the arr
the answer is adding and deleting rows