Broken up rock that got eroded
Why not turn it back I to gas
The phenotypic variation for the trait is continuous
Genetically speaking, quantitative traits are controlled by many genes, classes are not easily distinguishable and there is a continuous distribution of the phenotype. These characteristics refer to measurements of quantities (weights, volumes, measurements: kg, m, cm, g, m2, etc.).
In other words, quantitative characteristics are those that exhibit continuous variations and are partly of non-genetic origin; that is, they are greatly affected by the environment.
The probability that this couple will have a child with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is 50/50
This Punnett square shows our woman as "xx" and our man at "xy". Knowing this, we can now look back at the Punnett square's results. Out of the four squares, two of them are fill with the woman's carried condition, but the other two are also filled with the man's. So, that leaves us with a 50 percent chance that their child will have DMD.
Hope this helped!
Sources: N/A
It allows them to save energy
Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation that involves physiological changes to survive during wither months. These physiological changes can include a decrease in body temperature, respiratory/heart rate and metabolism. The main purpose for which animals enter hibernation is to conserve energy, thereby surviving adverse climatic conditions and/or periods when food is scarce. Some examples of true hibernators (i.e., animals that enter into a state of minimal activity) include bats, hedgehogs, allies, squirrels, marmots, etc.