Was over powering and they wanted to break away from that form of power
The Congress has two bodies one is the house of Senate and The other is the House of representatives both have unique yet equal roles in the body.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of having two houses in body advantages being:-
The bill and revenues that are to be passed can be double checked by the members of the two houses so it is less likely that there are mistakes or flaws in the bills passed.
when the disadvantage is:-
Even a Bill meant for a good cause has to go through both the houses and chances clashes increases and when the houses are opposing it is hard for such bills to be passed.
The patriots is my answer. Loyalists are people for the british.
The correct answer is
A. The Supreme Court
Americans were divided by sectionalism and slavery, but they were united by nationalism and an optimistic belief in the possibility of improving themselves and society. These ideas were expressed in and reinforced by American art and literature. This reflected Individualism