Ductus Arteriosus is a blood vessel normally present in fetuses during development. The blood vessel is designed to bypass the pulmonary artery and brings blood to the Descending Aorta, as the fetus cannot breath through the lung (being as they are fluid filled). This is normally not a problem because oxygenated blood comes from the mother's blood supply.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus, is what happens when that vessel does not close. While not as dangerous as other congenital defects. However, because there is still a bypass, blood that normally need to be oxygenated by going through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs, can be diverted and placed into the blood stream without vital oxygen. This condition may eventually lead to CHF (congestive Heart Failure) and Pulmonary Hypertension if not treated.
Solución: El problema indica que se le están suministrando 700 calorías de calor, eso quiere decir que Delta Q será positivo, por otra parte nos dice que al sistema se le aplicará un trabajo de 900 Joules, aquí el signo de Delta W tendrá que ser negativo, puesto que se la están aplicando al sistema.
Sabiendo ese análisis podemos dar solución al problema de la siguiente forma:
Only once because the DNA replication initiation is tightly linked to cell cycle progression,ensuring that replication occur only once per cycle
The term plasma referred to that condition when the electrons are "freed" from their host atoms for a short time. It happens due to the high temperatures.
Lightning is a plasma because when a column of electrons moves from sky to ground, the air that it passes through lights up with energy. What we see as lightning is the air. In this air, the electrons are excited and giving off light. We see it as a light.
From this brief discussion, we can say that as electrons become free and become excited and then give light, lighting is a plasma.