According to Quora dot com, US magazines are viewed as historically dependent on advertising revenue hence why subscriptions to magazines are historically very low as advertising is used to subsidise cover price or subscription cost.
With the general collapse of print publications in the US, particularly led by the drying up of physical newsstand presence, magazines have a harder time getting into consumer's hands. This means that advertisers are less likely to spend in a publication (readership decreasing) and then advertising revenues go down, making magazines less and less profitable.
I realize this is quit lengthy so I'd sum it up to saying the business model for magazines has traditionally been the selling of advertising space ... Not sure if this is what you're looking for
I think what would fill that blank space would be failure due to the fact that something with his business may have gone wrong or a wrong transaction was made. But sometimes these things can actually be a major plus for them without them even realizing before they made the choice.
Before the foundation of the United States, the Kingdom of Britain owned the 13 colonies on the East shore of North America. Those colonies were separated into 3 regions: the New England, the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies. Economic activities and trade was dependent of the environment in each of those regions. Economy in the New England : ship building industry, fishing, trade. Economy in the Middle Colonies: farming, lot of jobs for skilled workers. Also merchants invested money in colonies. In the Southern Colonies: cotton and tobacco-industry. The economy impact the livelihood of the original 13 colonies by giving jobs and money to the colonists.
C. Buddy cannot be a creditor of the corporation after the redemption.
"A stock redemption that terminates a shareholder’s entire stock ownership in a corporation will qualify for sale or exchange treatment under § 302(b)(3). The attribution rules generally apply in determining whether the shareholder’s stock ownership has been completely terminated. However, the family attribution rules do not apply to a complete termination redemption if the following conditions are met:
The former shareholder has no interest, other than that of a creditor, in the corporation for at least 10 years after the redemption (including an interest as an officer, director, or employee).
The former shareholder files an agreement to notify the IRS of any prohibited interest acquired within the 10-year period and to retain all necessary records pertaining to the redemption during this time period."
Reference: South-Western, Thomson. “Chapter 5.” To Qualify for Sale or Exchange Treatment, a Stock Redemption Generally Must Result in a Substantial Reduction in a Shareholde, 2005,
You should always try to meet the word limit