You can multiply both sides by a number that will get rid of the denominators. For ex. you can multiply the first equation by 12 because 4 and 3 both go into 12 evenly. MAKE SURE YOU MULTIPLY THE OTHER SIDE BY 12 AS WELL! Therefore, 12(x/4) - 12(y/3) = 12(1), or 3x - 4y = 12
This seems more like an answer then a question, did you perhaps mean to put this on someone elses question?
Step-by-step explanation:
The expression is given below as

We will apply the bsolute rule below

By applying the concept, we will have

The final answer is
Step-by-step explanation:
A function

is periodic if there is some constant

such that

for all

in the domain of

. Then

is the "period" of


, then we have

, and so

is periodic with period

It gets a bit more complicated for a function like yours. We're looking for

such that

Expanding on the left, you have


It follows that the following must be satisfied:

The first two equations are satisfied whenever

, or more generally, when


(i.e. any multiple of 4).
The second two are satisfied whenever

, and more generally when


(any multiple of 10/7).
It then follows that all four equations will be satisfied whenever the two sets above intersect. This happens when

is any common multiple of 4 and 10/7. The least positive one would be 20, which means the period for your function is 20.
Let's verify:

More generally, it can be shown that

is periodic with period
