These two characters are not similar whatsoever. Eurymachus is a deceitful person, always scheming, thinking of plans how to enjoy himself and doesn't care about others. He even wanted to kill Odysseus' son Telemachus. He treats everyone with disrespect and is extremely arrogant. These are not adjectives that describe Odysseus, even though he did show arrogance when defeating the Cyclops.
"Tramp" affects the tone of this line in that:
Option C
- It suggests the determination of the speaker
The word tramp means to walk heavily. A person who walks in this manner is determined and sure of his means.
A few words that are synonymous with this word are, walk, trample, and stump. All of these connote the tone of solidness and determination.
When utilized in the sonnet above, the utilization of "tramp" recommends that the speaker walks assuredly to his eternal destination.
Conclusively, the option that accurately indicates the tone that the word tramp adds to the sentence is C.
For more infotmation, refer the following link:
To be is a form of a future verb. so that means all of these will have "will be" in front of them. For example, "Even if wild animals (will be born) in a zoo, it is still cruel to keep them in a small enclosure."