My parents and sister, i would go to Norway
The second happiest country in the world (according to United Nation’s 2013 World Happiness Report), seems to be having a moment. The Scandinavian country’s reputation for pristine, untouched landscapes are drawing discerning travelers from all over the globe and the popularity of the Disney movie Frozen are motivating fans to visit the country that inspired the animated movie setting (apparently bookings have increased around 40%). From our team’s various visits, this our collective choice for the most beautiful places to visit in Norway.
For the first blank: Weimar Republic
Second blank: Nazi Socialist Party
In response to the debate over whether Congress had the authority to establish a national bank, for example, Hamilton wrote the Defense of the Constitutionality of the Bank, which forcefully argued that Congress could choose any means not explicitly prohibited by the Constitution to achieve a constitutional end
Answer: New scholarship about the Civil War raises that conflict's military death toll to 750,000 from 620,000, and another historian posits that the smallpox epidemic of the time took the lives of at least one-quarter of the nation's newly emancipated slaves.Jun 16, 2012
Explanation: sorry didn’t really know what the question was but hope this helps!
The structure of Congress is based on two major determiners: equal representation for all states and representation based on population. The Senate has equal representation from each state by allowing exactly two senators from each state to be elected in. The House of Representatives is literally representative of the people because the number of reps from each state is based on population, as a states population grows or shrinks compared with other states it's number of allowed representatives rises and falls. For example, a state with a huge population like California has 53 reps while a state with significantly fewer residents, like Wyoming only has 1 rep. Most states fall in between.
In my school's legislature I would have two houses to make sure there was balance in representation. One house would have 3 students from each grade who were elected into their positions. The other house would have representatives from every major club or interest group based on how popular that group is. For example, there are a lot of athletes at this school so there might be 5 representatives elected to speak and vote on behalf of their group. There are much less people involved in yearbook so they would have 1-2 representatives. The legislative houses could meet regularly to discuss major issues in the school and come with ideas to make the school better. All the members would have an equal value in their vote about solutions to the issues. The two houses could pass ideas by each other for major progress and change. I think that this would be the best way to make sure that every student in our school was represented in our congress regardless of grade level or interest group.