Do you have any options? "se siente avergonzado"
I'm gonna write in the correct form the ones wrong and leave a blank the right ones.
1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
5. Acuéstate temprano
6. Llega a tiempo (I guess you meant arrive in time?)
7. No abandones la escuela (I guess you meant don't quit school?)
8. Pon atención en clase (it can also be: "PRESTA atención en clase" the r in presta converted it in infinitive)
9. No dejes tu tarea en casa
10. No duermas en clase (No dormir is also infinitive)
como is like saying to your self miguel is asking raquel so she is answering him back
They’ll started their specialization and their studies at the beginning of January
Some of the students will have done the homework their practices and a trip
Maybe their professional practices don’t offer good benefits like a good timetable or a break
The thing that matters is that the students are obtaining interviews, experience and benefits
Teacher says that the most important thing is to have a good paid work that you like