The percentaje increase in sales is 10%
To calculate the percentage increase in sales from 2013 to 2014 yo need to calculate the differential in sales from year to year using 2013 as a base.
You need to use the following formula:
Sales differential: [(year1-year0)/year0]*100
In this exercise:
Sales differential= [(770-700)/700]*100=10%
2014 sales increased by 10% compared to 2013 sales.
The computation of the portfolio return is shown below:
Portfolio return = Respective returns ×Respective weights
= (10.8 × 0.45) + (12.2 × 0.35) + (-1.56 × 0.20)
= 8.82%
Hence, the portfolio return is 8.82%
We simply applied the above formula so that the portfolio return could come
And, the same is to be considered
The first step in making a choice is to define the issue at hand. When making judgments, related costs and benefits should be evaluated. When making judgments, extraneous costs and advantages should be overlooked.