Christian art is generally created as an expression of what the church may believe. Since there are several different types of Christianity, or branches under the large name, the church the artist goes to, or whatever religious ideas the artist has will be portrayed in his artwork. Christian art is made to support their ideas and religion, as well as give people a sort of image to look up to. After all, nobody truly knows how God looks.
The movie had a few scenes that were just made for the 3-D effect. All that sliding around on the rooftops and gutters and sewer pipes on the ice... pure Hollywood time wasting stuff.
<span>I have read the book 15 times. I bought the CARREY film for my children. If you will give me a day or two, I will watch it again and make a long list. editing this maybe Monday (come now, Christmas is on Sunday..) </span>
<span>Oh yes, there were NO scenes with mice on the floor in the original story. </span>
On God
We needa chill 2021 Coming folks getting Lame.
The Tempest opens in the midst of a storm, as a ship containing the king of Naples and his party struggles to stay afloat. On land, Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, watch the storm envelop the ship. Prospero has created the storm with magic, and he explains that his enemies are on board the ship.
it is about the importantance of drive and forces dealing with human fuctioning and i would say cognitive behavior