Before the act of emancipation was approved in July 1776, the Thirteen Colonies and the Kingdom of Great Britain had been at war for more than a year. Relations between the two had deteriorated since 1763. The British Parliament enacted a series of measures to increase taxes in the colonies, such as the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Townshend Act of 1767. The Legislative Body considered that these regulations were a legitimate means for the colonies to pay a fair share for the costs of keeping them in the British Empire.
However, many settlers had developed a different concept of the empire. The colonies were not directly represented in the Parliament and the settlers argued that this legislative body had no right to assign taxes. This fiscal dispute was part of a greater divergence between the British and American interpretations of the Constitution of Great Britain and the scope of Parliament's authority in the colonies. The orthodox view of the British - dating back to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 - argued that Parliament had supreme authority throughout the empire and, by extension, everything that Parliament did was constitutional. However, in the colonies the idea had developed that the British Constitution recognized certain fundamental rights that the government could not violate, not even Parliament. After the laws of Townshend, some essayists even began to question whether the Parliament had any legitimate jurisdiction in the colonies. Anticipating the creation of the Commonwealth of Nations, in 1774 the American literati - among them Samuel Adams, James Wilson and Thomas Jefferson - discussed whether the authority of Parliament was limited only to Great Britain and that the colonies -which had their own legislatures- they should relate to the rest of the empire solely because of their loyalty to the Crown.
They went to school or college and they got a respectful career or job.....
In the middle east they couldn't really improve any social and educational statue...
The slavery was a peculiar institution because the slaves used to show in the market as goods where they presented a pen or non-living things in the row.
The expansion and high demand of cotton increased the demand of labor. These workers (salves) were not paid by their owners. Their owners used them as a commodity and not as human being. They used to work for long working hours without any leave or other facility at the work place.
I think that the colonists split from England because their freedom was diminished, I believe that the colonists also wanted spiritual freedom and social freedom, also England was pretty crowded and loaded with disease. After the revolution, they did receive what they wanted.
This passage is about the speech of President Jackson in Congress, where he defended the process of remorse of the Indians.
The use of the word "progessive" refers to the continuation of a process begun earlier, where the Indians were massacred and expelled from their territories to the detriment of the white man's civilization. The former president used that term as a way to slow down an attitude that today would be understood as barbarism, but one that is part of US history.