I would pray and give my life to the lord so that if worst comes to worst you can get to heaven. I don't know what's going to happen because I personally have never gone through anything near to what you're going through now. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I'm so sorry about what you're going through and cannot imagine the things you are thinking.
participating in some physical activity regularly
(Just wanna let you know nothing is shown)
Immune modulators are the chemical agent that alters the immune system by stimulation or inhibition of the white blood cell activity.
A chemical agent that alters the immune response known as immune modulators. Immune modulators can stimulate or inhibit white cell activity or immune response, It is generally suggested in the poor immune systems because of disease like AIDS or rheumatoid arthritis.
The immune-suppressants use in the case of organ transplant to inhibit the white cell activity because it is a chemical agent that inhibits the white cell activity or immune response.
Thus, the immune suppressants are the agent that only inhibit the immune response whereas the immune modulator can stimulate or inhibit the immune response.
have you had a rash?
do you often feel itchy in that area