It is by Archangel Gabriel. The heavenly book of Islam, classified with Uthman in 600's. Koran implies recitations and alludes to the directions or disclosures the chief heavenly messenger Gabriel provided for Muhammad in 610 CE. Muhammad was told to 'discuss for the sake of Allah.' The Koran is made out of 114 Surahs or parts separated into verses.
The answer is the engine. The leaking black fluid indicates that you should check your engine. There are a few factors to to why this happens and these are: worn oil gasket, oil filter not attached correctly, corroded oil coolant line, not secured oil plug, high oil pressure.
linda understands willy's fear of abandonment, this is reflected in her insistence that Biff be attentive to his father
linda recognizes that willy's fears have turned him into a really flawed person
begs biff to look past those flaws and see the good in his father
Answer: Emotional Intelligence
James Gardner developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences, among them are interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, which together amount to emotional intelligence.
Tia is showing emotional intelligence because she is mindful of own attributes and attentive to the emotions of others.
Within the first 20 minutes after leaving class.