His intelligence, wit, and style made him one of France's greatest writers and philosophers, despite the controversy he attracted. he was an outspoken supporter of social reform. (including defense of civil liberties, freedom of religion, and free trade).He was a prolific writer and produced works in almost every literary form (plays, poetry, novels, essays, historical and scientific works)
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Summary of Frida Kahlo
Small pins pierce Kahlo's skin to reveal that she still 'hurts' following illness and accident, whilst a signature tear signifies her ongoing battle with the related psychological overflow. Frida Kahlo typically uses the visual symbolism of physical pain in a long-standing attempt to better understand emotional suffering. Prior to Kahlo's efforts, the language of loss, death, and selfhood, had been relatively well investigated by some male artists (including Albrecht Dürer, Francisco Goya, and Edvard Munch), but had not yet been significantly dissected by a woman. Indeed not only did Kahlo enter into an existing language, but she also expanded it and made it her own. By literally exposing interior organs, and depicting her own body in a bleeding and broken state, Kahlo opened up our insides to help explain human behaviors on the outside. She gathered together motifs that would repeat throughout her career, including ribbons, hair, and personal animals, and in turn created a new and articulate means to discuss the most complex aspects of female identity. As not only a 'great artist' but also a figure worthy of our devotion, Kahlo's iconic face provides everlasting trauma support and she has influence that cannot be underestimated.
Using at least three sources, research the rule of one of these absolute monarchs:
Louis XIV of France, Frederick the Great of Prussia, Charles I of England, or Catherine the Great of Russia.
Analyze: Answer questions about the reliability and credibility of your three sources. To get the best grade possible, follow the instructions in the assignment closely and answer all of the questions completely. This assignment is worth 30 points.
The Peninsulares were those who were born in Spain while
Creoles were born in Latin America. The
Peninsulares enjoyed more rights and privileges
and this was resented by Creoles who were treated like second class
citizens. What made it more unfair was the fact that the Peninsulares were the
minority yet enjoyed all these privileges despite that.
Answer: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."