The story of Sybil's daring ride wasn't widely known during her lifetime, and her name doesn't come to mind when most people think about the heroes of the American Revolution. But her courageous actions helped the colonists eventually win the war.
Not sure what you're looking for exactly, but they were certainly risking their lives and livelihoods. African-Americans weren't the only people to be lynched in the fight against racism- black and white abolitionists were at risk as well (though certainly whites to a lesser degree).
Both the French and American Revolution began with a king that the country was tired of. Although, the colonists broke off of Britain, and France executed their king. On the other hand, they both had their ups and downs and in the end, won independance and freedoms. However, the French had ruthless leaders all throughout the revolution, who manipulated them, and the Americans just fought their way to victory with Britain instead of trying to take over.
You've provided three achievements:
1 Equality of male and female
2 House of Wisdom
3 Irrigation techniques
These are 3 of the most important achievements of the Islamic Kingdoms and you've explained them briefly. If the instructions were to explain each achievements concisely, your work would be enough.
They all believe in one God, their holy book derives from the Torah somewhat, they generally have the same ethics (don’t kill, don’t steal etc.)
However, Jews are still waiting for a messiah, Christians are waiting for the Messiah Jesus to come again, and Muslims are a bit of a mix, Messianism is alien to Sunni Islam but it is a central belief in Shia Islam.