The correct answer is D) 0,81
When there is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium like in this case of a single locus with two alleles denoted A and a with frequencies f(A) = p and f(a) = q, the expected genotype frequencies under random mating are f(AA) = p² for the AA homozygotes, f(aa) = q² for the aa homozygotes, and f(Aa) = 2pq for the heterozygotes. And we have:
p²+2*p*q+q²= 1 <em>p+q= 1 p=1-q</em>
q= 0.1 p= 1-0.1= 0.9
p²=0.9²= 0.81
Since diabetics are not able to make enough insulin, scientists use gene engineering to make it for them. they insert the gene that codes for the production of insulin in the plasmid (circular DNA of bacteria ) to create recombinent DNA, and the bacteria will asexually reproduce, making more and more of the insulin in a short amount of time! hope this helped it took me a long time to understand the whole process in this unit!
<h2>Galapagos Finch </h2>
Darwin's finches are a classical example of an adaptive radiation
- Darwin's finches common ancestor arrived on the Galapagos about two million years ago,during the time that has passed the Darwin's finches have evolved into 15 recognized species differing in body size, beak shape, song and feeding behavior
- Changes in size and form of the beak have enabled different species to utilize different food resources such us insects, seeds, nectar from cactus flowers all driven by Darwinian selection
- From 1831 to 1836, Darwin was part of a survey expedition carried out by the ship HMS Beagle, which included stops in South America, Australia, and the southern tip of Africa
- At each of the stop, Darwin had the opportunity to study the local plants and animals
- Darwin found that nearby islands in the Galapagos had similar but nonidentical species of finches living on them,he noted that each finch species was well-suited for its environment and role
- For example species that ate large seeds tended to have large, tough beaks, while those that ate insects had thin, sharp beaks
- According to Darwin's idea, this pattern would make sense if the Galapagos Islands had long ago been populated by birds from the neighboring mainland
- On each island, the finches might have gradually adapted to local conditions (over many generations and long periods of time)
- This process could have led to the formation of one or more distinct species on each island
- Darwin developed and refined a set of ideas that could explain the patterns he had observed during his voyage
- In his book, On the Origin of Species, Darwin outlined his two key ideas: evolution and natural selection
- Natural selection which also known as “survival of the fittest,” is the more prolific reproduction of individuals with favorable traits that survive environmental change because of those traits; this leads to evolutionary change
Overall, this uptake of water at the roots, transport of water through plant tissues, and release of vapor by leaves is known as transpiration
Fungi has a cell wall but no chloroplasts.