No, it is not the best, free enterprice is the best. with democracy we get told what to do, we dont get gun rights, and we cant start our own businesses without special grants and what not, however, its the opposit with free enterprise.
Van der Donck was born in approximately 1618, in the town of Breda in the southern Netherlands. His father was Cornelis Gijsbrechtszoon van der Donck and his mother was Agatha Van Bergen.[5] His family was well connected on his mother's side, as her father, Adriaen van Bergen, was remembered as a hero for having helped free Breda from Spanish forces during the course of the Eighty Years' War.[6]
In 1638, van der Donck entered the University of Leiden as a law student. Leiden had rapidly become an intellectual center due to Dutch religious freedom and the lack of censorship. At Leiden, he obtained his Doctor of both laws, that is, both civil and canon law.[6] Despite a booming Dutch economy, van der Donck decided to go to the New World. To this end, he approached the patroon Kiliaen van Rensselaer, securing a post as schout, a combination of sheriff and prosecutor, for his large, semi-independent estate, Rensselaerswijck, located near modern Albany.[7]
I think to reduce the arms race, countries should stop worrying about what other countries are doing, and focus on the bigger problems going on within themselves. The arms race can be reduced or stopped by a treaty that both countries would have to agree on stopping and they would sign it. Countries should not be allowed to sell weapons and materials to make nuclear or biological weapons to other countries, because it is provoking the opposing country. Another nuclear war would have so many negative effects on people, animals, food and water supplies, businesses, and the Earth, and I think it would be very irresponsible to destroy our world just for a war.